Personal Trainer Services

Weight Lifting

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9 Weightlifting Exercises for Beginners

The hardest thing to do when you start to workout is decide what you need to do and how to set up your workout program. If you look at magazines and websites on the Internet, you see people who are huge and ripped telling you how they workout. You’re not going to look like that without many years of working out. It doesn’t make sense that you can start with the workout that these guys do. You must start out smaller and work toward them.

This workout will get you started in the right place and help you reach your goals.  If you try to start out with more advanced workouts, you will likely get frustrated and your plans for building muscle will fail. Be patient and persistent and you will see results. As long as you are able and your doctor says it’s OK, weightlifting should be a good option for you. 

To get started, you will need a gym membership or a place at home to work out. You will also need some basic equipment, such as a pair of dumbbells or exercise bands or both. Some exercises work better with one or the other.  You also need a pull-up bar of some sort.  For the dumbbells, get a pair of 6 or 20kg to start with.  It’s better to go a little heavy so you don’t outgrow them in two weeks. 

The Beginner’s Guide to Weight Training

You’ve decided that it’s time to put on some muscle and chase that superhero body you’ve always wanted. And that’s led you down a very specific path in the gym: You’re now about to start lifting weights.

Welcome to the world of weight training. There are several ways to add the muscle, size, and strength that you may crave (more on that later), but there may not be a more common way to get started doing so than weights. To make gains in size and strength, you need to challenge your body with loads greater than what it can handle, whether you do so at your local gym, in your high school weight room, or with a pair of old dumbbells from your garage. But somehow, you need to push beyond your comfort zone if you really want more muscle.

Step 1: Prioritize personal health by assessing your routine.

This is a full body workout that you should do three times per week with a day of non-weightlifting in between. More is not better; your body needs to recover after a workout. You can also do cardio on the opposite days.

Following the exercises below, do three sets of each exercise and eight to twelve reps each set, when you can do 12 increases the weight.  These are combination exercises that work more that one muscle group per exercise, so you get more bang for your buck.


Do the push-ups slow and controlled. Go two seconds down and two seconds back up.  After you finish set one of push-ups, get your back on the floor and do the press.


Do the dips with your hands behind your back on a chair or bench. Start with your feet on the ground.  As you get stronger, put your feet up on a chair to add resistance.

Shoulder Press

You can do these seated or standing.  Hold the dumbbells at shoulder level and push them up high over your head. Do the same if using bands. 

Chest Press

Lay on your back on the floor, pick up the dumbbells, and do the press toward the ceiling. Go slow and controlled, concentrating on your chest muscles and what you are doing.  Rest for two minutes and do the next push-up chest press set.


Start with no weight when you start out.  After you get used to it, use the dumbbells. Push your butt back as you squat down to keep the pressure off your knees.

Dead Lift

Go from set one of the squat directly to dead lifts with weight. Keep control of your body and go slow.  Go back and do the other two combo sets after resting for two minutes.


This is one of the hardest exercises for a beginner. Do as many as you can.  If you need help, use bands or use a chair to get you to the top and slowly let yourself down then repeat. Go directly to rows after the first set.


If you are using dumbbells, do bent over rows.  If using bands, do the rows in a seated position. Stay slow and controlled so you get the most benefit for your effort.


Use the dumbbells or bands and go slowly.  Keep your elbows against your sides and don’t use momentum to aid you in your curl.  When you finish set one, go to the dips for the triceps right away.

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My training philosophy

I believe in a holistic approach to training clients and athletes. Rest, recovery, sleep and nutrition all play an incredibly important role in reaching your goals. Training alone will not bring success and this is where many programs fail.

I understand that most people have busy lives and trying to fit training around work, family and our social lives can seem daunting. That's where I can help. I will be there to support, encourage and motivate you to achieve the best possible results in a fun and positive environment.

"I saw some of my colleagues coming back from lunch smiling one day and I said what's going on. They replied we have been training with Gymantix"


"Since joining Gymantix, his rehabilitation exercise programme has really helped me on the road to recovery after sustaining a fractured pelvis."


"Particularly I found the Gymantix bodyweight training classes rewarding for increasing my strength, helping to reaching my fitness goals."